Friday, January 29, 2010


I hate to say it but this break from exercising has been good.  My nutrition this week has been excellent, and I survived the Friday junk frenzy. Following through with stretching was easy and actually was quite relaxing to perform just before bed. I restart on Monday. This weekend I'm traveling to Santa Barbara.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Pain, wtf??????????

I was doing so well, but I've developed a slight knee aggravation.  Looking at my training log I can trace it (maybe).

Dec 7th - 19th  I had pain because the bike intervals were too intense and the stationary bike didn't fit right.  I started riding my trek and this improved. I got the giant (I'm fitted for this bike) and pain gone. Although this was my IT band, not my patellar tendon.

Jan 15th Familiar pain under knee cap came back after hard running interval. I'd done the same workout two weeks prior, but had not run since.

Jan 25th Felt a tightness under knee cap during an easy job which is still around today.

I'm not so sure what to do.  I think I'll try to swim with the buoy and if I feel anything I'll give up workouts for the week and just do stretching and massages. Then ease back into the program. This is going to set me back big time.

I'm sad  :-(

Monday, January 25, 2010

Weekly Review: Screaming on the inside

I blew it nutrition wise. Someone dropped off birthday cake in my face during my lunch. I asked the guy to put it on the counter. He didn't... I guess I should have.  So instead I just smelled the German chocolaty goodness. The hens started filing in, raving about the flavors of this cake. I caved, my slice was larger than it needed to be. The next day I the hens were offering me donuts pretty forcefully. I ended up having two.. and an iced vanilla mocha... and two slices of pizza...  and six or seven animal cookies.  I came home and my gf said I smelled like cookies, so I made some hot chocolate to hide my multiple indiscretions.

I was getting fairly consistent with my workouts until my schedule change. Second shift is some kind of torture.  The guys working those hours are freaks. In addition, I was practicing my programming skills for a job interview. So I needed all the extra time I could get. Anyhow, I took several days off- some planned, some not planned. My body actually thanked me for it. I felt good returning to the bike after two days off.  I didn't get to the pool this week. Either I need to wake up earlier or its not going to happen.

Saturday, January 23, 2010

Muddy Buddy

I lay awake at 3am envisioning myself on the dreadmill, bashing through another run. I couldn't commit and went back to sleep.  Its noon and the sun is kissing me awake. It was a rather welcoming change from the rain and wind (and apparently tornadoes).

I slipped on my tights and zipped out for a bike ride. I warmed up while heading to the trail head. It wasn't crowded today so I thought it perfect to try for a personal best.  Unfortunately it was super muddy. I was fishtailing through several sections. At one point the mud was too deep. I dismounted and hiked off the trail. Luckily I know the city. I made my way to turtle ridge which is less traveled and looped back home. I wasn't satisfied so I added an extra six miles down portola and back.

The highlight of the ride was during a left turn at an interction. I'm in traffic. I clip out my right foot, but didn't commit to a rightward lean. A leftward teeter begins... crap I can't get out... my right foot magically swung over the handle bar and kept me from totally falling. Super embarasing, but thankfully I didn't scratch the paint on my bike.

Distance: 31.92 miles
Time: 2 hours

Monday, January 18, 2010

I'm Bored...

I can't get this sql batch to work & the "b" key on my laptop is sticking. Its nearly lunch time and I've packed boring pasta with a cookie.

I ran this morning at a 10 minute mile pace. Unfortunately, I had to wear my knee bands again. There was some weirdo going ape shit on the elliptical. Thankfully he finished while I was warming up. At the early am hours the gym is haunted by hardcore regulars and occasional weirdos. Some folks come in just to watch tv. A few weeks ago some psycho was perched on the bench watching cartoons. Whenever I approached he'd half heartily attempt sit ups... 94, 95, 96, and then resume monopolizing the equipment once I left.. prick. My old roommate and I used to do that on the pull bars when girls walked by... 73, 74, 75. Yeah we were douche bags!

Sunday, January 17, 2010

Recap: Week 3

This weeks training was just 'okay'.  The recovery from the mountain bike clinic wreaked havoc on my system. I fell three times, once in a rock garden trying to move around someone who'd given up. A rock stabbed my butt pretty hard. The other two occurred as I attempted to negotiate a string of tight uphill switchbacks.

The slicks on my MTB are a fun addition. They are 26x 1.25 and I get about 2-3mph faster on flat roads and loads faster on downhills. I even maintained 30mph on a slight downhill grade for about 2 miles(Culver  & Shady Canyon to Culver & University). This additional speed makes it easier to impale joggers and small dogs so I added a dorky bell. It was necessary evil as most are blasting music so they can't hear anything.

As for my running, I've alwasy found that music distracts me and messes up my stride. Besides, the mp3 adds weight. I skipped a weeks worth of runs. I do my runs at the weeks begining so its closer to two weeks without running. I took care of that on thursday and woke up friday with sore tendons. I read an article in Competitor Magazine that after taking time off, one needs to ease back into that activity. I wish I'd read that first.

My bilateral breathing is going not so well. I get flat, I drink a lot of water, and I noticed I close my eyes like a scared child. Its a weird instinct. Shaving has become a real chore, but the swim brief allows for an even tan so totally worth it.

Because my work schedule is screwed up for right now I've switch from a swim focued BT plan to a balanced plan. So I'll perform each discipline  2x a week with one day off.  I will also add weights into the mix.
Week 3 Totals:
2400.00 M
1h 08m 52s

46.15 Mi
2h 53m 11s

2.85 Mi

Strength Training: 
1h 00m

Friday, January 15, 2010

Swim Tastic!!

Another great swim in the books. Strange, I went from dreading laps in the pool to enjoying it. A BT member recommended and based on my current ability, the site recommended this routeen. This also made for a gentle introduction to bilateral breathing. Good thing I was thirsty...

  • Warm Up
    • 2x50
  • Base(4x)
    • 1x25 left
    • 1x25 right
  • Core
    • 6x50 emphasis distance per stroke
    • 6x50 emphasis pace
  • Cool Down (I changed this part for more bilateral practice)
    • 1x50 left
    • 1x50 right


    Time:33m 47s

    Overall I'm quite pleased with myself!. In the not so distant past I could barely make a length. My initial schedule would have me at 500m per session so I'm 2x that. The downside is now I'm limited to 2x per week with my new schedule.

    Wednesday, January 13, 2010

    Swim breathing video

    I asked a swimmer friend to watch me. Apparently, I poke my head up too high. A member from my BT mentor group posted this video and its pretty good.

    Monday, January 11, 2010

    Maple glaze doughnut; have I earned it?

    My training has been consistent thus far. However, I've reached a point where I'm mildly addicted to the workouts, which could be dangerous. I was 'supposed' to take Friday off but instead tried a pilates workout. Sunday was apartment hunting. My Saturday bike clinic was rEdiciLous!!  Naturally,  I'm debating a real day off, aka the maple doughnut..

    Orchard Hills Summit (my image stitching is horrible)

    I swapped my Saturday long bike ride for a MTB skills clinic.  It began with instruction and drills in wheelies, body position, and braking. Then we head off for the trail. which is four miles of narrow single track that passes through an avocado orchard. The first half was action packed with tight switch backs and steep climbs to the hill top. The trail was gorgeous and the view was worth all the punishment.  The final decent was lightning fast. The steepness was  100% grade in some parts.  I was leaned waaayyy back behind the seat. The finish was a half mile of smooth, hard packed fire trail returning the group to the trail head.

    Here is more info about the trail.

    Wednesday, January 6, 2010

    Morning Challenge

    I was inspired by my group mate to go for a morning run outside. The weather was about low 50's at the start of the run. When I finished it was closer to mid 60's and the sun had begun rising. I forgot how beautiful my neighborhood is and getting reacquainted in the wee morning hours was inviting.

    I also forgot how friendly morning joggers were. With so many smiles and friendly hello's it was almost, dare I write, exhausting.  I was doing pretty well until mile 2.4, when I note an older female jogger. She's maybe 30 feet away. I didn't wave, she didnt wave; we were deadlocked.  No matter, I keep it moving...

    Oh but WAIT!  I hear a pitter patter on my heels. So were BOTH continuing onto the main trail. Interesting. This is my final mile and its at a slight incline. I give a quick over the shoulder glance. She's getting ready to pass on the outside.  No! No! No!  If I spotted her in the grocery store I couldn't live it down.  I speed up, she pursues, Cat and Mouse has officially begun. 

    I hear her foot strike rate increasing.  Is she preparing for another attack? I go for the offensive. She keeps pace.  Damn, I'm thinking she's one of those master runners. I decide to really push this time. The crisp air is burning my lungs as I break into full speed. She gradually fades. Talk about a good morning!!

    Distance: 3.5 Mi
    Time: 28m 50s
    Pace: 8.14 m/Mi

    Monday, January 4, 2010

    Quail Hill Loop

     The Irvine Ranch Conservancy has preserved several hundred acres of land that is near several great bike/run trails. The three I'm aware of are Shady Canyon, Jeffery Trail, and Quail Hill Loop. Quail Hill loop is two miles of groomed off road trail. I think its perfect for a beginner mountain biker or trail runner.  After 10am I noted foot traffic picking up. There is also a small picnic area.

    Tall brush and hard packed dirt throughout the trail.

    The trail also features a cell phone audio tour. (949) 743-5943  press 7# and it will describe the view in the photo. Not bad for a phone camera?


    Suggested Links

    Irvine Ranch Natural Landmarks

    Not much information, but the idea is to travel out and discover the land for yourself.  Most of the area is restricted without a tour guide and these arrangements are made through this web site.I've noted IPD and IFD patrol at irregular intervals to keep patrons on the main trail.

    Sunday, January 3, 2010

    Dymanic Stretching

    With tendinitis, my physical therapist gave me a list of exercises designed to warm up my knees, and to relax my hamstrings. These suggestions have worked "okay" until my workout volume increased with the base cross training involved in triathlon. Our discussion centered around static and dynamic stretching.

    My new routine is to wrap warm towels on my knees for a minute or two. Start with a light walk, steadily increase pace to light jog, then squats, leg rotations, leg lifts; movements that mimic the activity am about to engage in a controlled movements using full joint muscle range. Lunges & ballistic stretching are forbidden (for me at least). Then finish workout, and  go static for the cool down.

    I tried it with my run last Monday. While my methods fail to draw deep empirical findings, it was my furthest & fastest run to date. I'm also a noob so I suspect most early gains are from increases in my neuromuscular coordination. Anyhow, I'm sticking with it!!

    Suggested Links:

    Dave Campbell - Form Set Warm up

    Al Lyman, CSCS - Hip Mobility

    Saturday, January 2, 2010

    Bike Pics:Trek 820 Antelope

    Still kinda cool..